Letter to the Parents about covid-19

Dear Parent(s),                                                                                                                

 As Kiddie City prepares to welcome your child back to care, we want you to know we are doing everything we can to ensure the safety of your child. The COVID-19 pandemic is scary for adults and is hard for children to understand. We want to create an environment where you feel safe leaving your child and where your child feels safe. Based on ODJFS rules and recommendations, you and your child will see changes to our program. Some of those changes are outlined below. You can also find pandemic childcare resources for families at: 


In accordance with ODJFS regulations you will see: 

∙ Smaller group sizes within your child’s classroom space, as the number of children permitted to be in a group, has been reduced. 

∙ Handwashing requirements have increased for staff and children. Your child(ren) will be required to wash their hands upon arrival and prior to going home for the day. 

∙ Temperatures will be taken prior to or at arrival. If your child has a fever of 100 degrees or higher, they will be isolated and sent home immediately. Your child cannot return to our program until they are fever-free for 24 hours, without the use of fever-reducing medication. 

∙ If a child has had known contact with someone confirmed or probable to have COVID19, they cannot return to care until complete isolation or quarantine procedures in coordination with our local health department.

∙ We will work with the local health department if we encounter any confirmed cases to ensure the safety of our children and staff.  In addition to the licensing requirements listed above, we have made the following changes to our procedures: 

 ∙ Example: Change in the pick-up and drop off routine 

∙ Example: Temperature screening station at the front door

∙ Example: Sanitizing common spaces, including the playground, in between use 

We are looking forward to your child returning to our program!

We have missed seeing you and know that the children have missed seeing their friends and teachers too. If you have questions about the information included in this letter, please ask. We are here to help you and your child be comfortable and feel safe in our program, while together, we help your child learn and grow during these critical developmental years. 

Thank You,

Dayna White

Executive Director